![]() “A person is a person, no matter how small” – Dr. Seuss This silly quote from the Dr. Seuss classic, “Horton Hears a Who” speaks volumes to the pro-life movement, because it is true. A human in the womb is there to grow, gain strength, to prepare to live outside the womb. We know that just because that person is small does not make it any less of a person, and so we see it fit to protect that tiny person. That tiny person is worth the protection just like you and I. I am so thankful that over the last 10/15 years the pro-life movement has realized that just as that baby is worth protecting so is the mother of that baby. Early feminist, Alice Paul, said that abortion was, “the ultimate exploitation of women.” This quote is just as true today as it was in the earliest days of feminism. We have to empower women to know that abortion is not the only option. Then, pregnancy centers, parenting centers, and churches must be there ready to walk through life with women who choose to carry. Programs like Merits for Mom, Earn While you Learn, Embrace Grace, and much more were created to educate and walk alongside women as the walk through pregnancy. Women deserve to be educated of all their options, for education is power. "We are the Pro-Life Generation"
Stereotypes and the liberal media want to make you think that the “younger generation” is more liberal and hold less morals than their parents, but there is so much more to the story. It takes every person from every generation playing their part to end abortion. At Care we provide options and support to women. We walk with women through pregnancy and into the first years of having a child. We empower women to know that they are strong enough to carry a child to term, whether that term ends in parenting or adoption, we are a resource to all. Consider for yourself; why are you pro-life? ![]() ,This is real love. Last year we had a client come through our doors seeking a pregnancy test. This client was fidgeting and speaking fast. I could tell that she just wanted her test results and nothing more. I called her name, and she followed me to the counseling room. We began talking and I found out why this girl seemed so anxious. She did not want to be pregnant. She did not have a good relationship with her family or the potential father. She didn’t go to church because she felt like everyone was a hypocrite. She felt like she had no one. The session continued and I was almost at a loss for words. What was I to say to make her feel like she wasn’t alone? What was I going to say to encourage her in this potential pregnancy? In that moment the Lord’s love for his sweet daughter began pouring out of my mouth. I told her that she wasn’t alone and even though she felt like the church was full of hypocrites that is not how the Lord intended for it to be. I told her that she was so valuable to him, and that here she was not alone. Care Pregnancy Center would be there to support her, even if no one else would. This client heard what I said, but still left unsure what she would do with this pregnancy. I prayed for her. I couldn’t stop thinking about her, because I knew that she would be a strong mom. She came back for an ultrasound a few weeks later and saw her baby’s heartbeat, and cried. I cried. The nurse cried. This sweet client was going to be a momma. This is the heartbeat of Care Pregnancy Center. We exist to offer life-affirming support. We exist to see the lies of the enemy cast out by the love of our good God. There are options for women, and we want to be there to share and to walk alongside women who are experiencing unplanned pregnancies. January, Sanctity of Human Life Month.
On January 21, 2018 Care Pregnancy Center joined with over 25 churches to celebrate the Sanctity of Human Life. “In religion and ethics, inviolability or sanctity of life is a principle of implied protection regarding aspects of sentient life which are said to be holy, sacred, or otherwise of such value that they are not to be violated.” For many years the sentient of life has been violated in many different ways. We can see that our culture has a lack of respect for life. We live in a world that celebrates a country like Iceland, which has eliminated Down syndrome through abortion. We live in a world where people are bought and sold for the convenience and pleasure of others. We live in a world where women are told that an unplanned pregnancy is inconvenient and should be terminated. We live in a world… The list could go on and on. This precious gift of life has been taken for granted, stepped on, abused, beaten up, and then thrown out, but that is over. No longer will we stand idly by while our culture denies that all life should be protected. We will be the voice for the voiceless. We will celebrate all life. This life is not an easy one. Each of us can testify to that in our own way, but it is a life worth living. Everyone deserves a shot, a chance, a breath. Care Pregnancy Center wants to stand in the gap for women who are facing pregnancy choices, and encourage them, love them, and simply be there to listen. We care not only for the unborn, but also the men and women who enter our doors. Abortion is something that hurts everyone involved. If you have been there and made a decision to have an abortion, we are here to help. We offer confidential Abortion Recovery Classes that will help you overcome the emotions and side effects of your past abortion. Go to www.healmychoice.com for confidential information. On the 45th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark case that abolished state anti-abortion laws, we see it fitting to celebrate and protect life itself. Legacy- a thing handed down by a predecessor. In the last 25 years the use of the word “legacy” has increased exponentially. Take note of the graph below. Throughout this post I want to explore the reasons why word “legacy” is used now more than ever and what that means for Care Pregnancy Center as an organization and you as a person. Think back to when you were a child. What did you want to be when you grew up? An astronaut? A mermaid? A princess or prince? A firefighter? I know that I wanted to be a professional athlete at one point. I was dead set on being the greatest softball player to ever live. No one could have convinced 11 year old Ro that being a professional softball player was impossible or unattainable. Yet, I soon realized that being a professional athlete was not the route that I would go down.
There are two things from my childhood that I never want to lose in my adult life.
Care Pregnancy Center (formerly Ark-La-Tex Crisis Pregnancy Center) began in 1994 with the intention of giving women options in their unplanned pregnancies. The courageous men and women that started the “Ark-La-Tex Crisis Pregnancy Center” started a legacy of life in the Ark-La-Tex. Care is now a beacon of light, and since 1994, 1,410 lives have been saved. This is legacy. It is not only staff and volunteers that is participating in this legacy, but each person who has ever given or prayed for CPC. Whether you gave $2 or $2,000,000 you have played a part in this legacy. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you from the saved lives. You have made a difference. As believers, God has given each of us gifts that suit us perfectly, and they line up with our callings. God gives us everything that we need to love people, to serve him, and to live an abundant life. Our job is to stand up, to speak up, and to love big. Leave us a comment and let us know how you are leaving a legacy. |
Author:The Care Blog is a collaborative effort by the staff and volunteers of Care Pregnancy Center. Archives
March 2018